We are living in a different world right now! Who would’ve thought that we would be dealing with COVID-19? Things are shut down, people are dying and our economy is struggling. We are asked to stay home and social distance from our friends and family. it’s lonely, it’s hard at times. When life blows a storm in and we feel out of control it can cause a LOT of fear and anxiety. I have spent years crippled by fear and anxiety. YEARS! It’s been horrible. If you are in that place I’d love to share with you what’s worked for me.
A very practical thing that has helped me many times with my fear is printable fear scripture cards. God’s word is truth and replaces the lies I’m thinking when I am living in fear. I keep these cards in my purse so that I can read when I’m at a stoplight or standing in line waiting to pay for my groceries or whenever I’m struggling. These fear scripture cards help me renew my mind on the #truth and keep my mind on good things instead of going down that slippery slope of “what if’s”. Read these verses out loud several times a day. Reading them out loud builds your faith. Take a scripture or two and journal a conversation with God. Asking Him to help you live those verses.
When the fear is INTENSE and my mind wants to run away with all kinds of yucky damaging thoughts and I find myself in a battle with fear I pull out my Fear battle plan. What’s a Fear Battle Plan, you may ask? It’s a plan that I write out BEFORE I am in a battle. When I’m in the battle, I can’t think clearly, I’m not rational and that is not the time to write it out.
Here is a breakdown of that battle plan! (It’ll make much more sense if you look at it the battle plan before you read the info below.)
Download the Fear Battle Plan HERE
1. Know what triggers your fear.
For me, a trigger I have often is when I am rehearsing things in my mind that hasn’t happened yet. That is a red flag. If self-pity comes up, ita a red flag I need to pay attention to. Take some time and pray and ask God to show you where your triggers are. Awareness is half the battle.
2. Know who you are in Christ
To do #2 in the Fear Battle Plan go to my post on Who I am in Christ. If you are in Christ this is who you are whether or not you feel like it or not. Pick the truths that you struggle believing and talk to God about them. Print the cards out and meditate on them every day.
3. What worship songs minister to you?
Worship is powerful. Sometimes I don’t “feel” like putting worship music on but I do it anyway because my feelings will eventually catch up. Feelings aren’t facts. Worship is warfare.
4. Write down things you are thankful for.
Thinking of things to be thankful for redirects our brain. It changes our perspective. It gets me off focusing and obsessing over the what-ifs. Think back to times God has worked and provided for you. That grows your faith when you focus on his faithful character.
5. Find scriptures that encourage you.
Ask God to give you specific scriptures that will minister to you. Write those scriptures on a 3 x 5 card. I find that if I do that it’s so much easier to stand on those scriptures. When Drew was in his snowmobile accident God gave me a specific scripture- Psalms 41:1-3 that I clung to every single day. God did what He said he would do in Psalms 41 for my son. Thank you, Jesus!
6. Stay in community
We NEED people. God didn’t create us to do this alone. One of Satan’s greatest weapons is to isolate us. When I’m filled with fear I feel ashamed and don’t want to tell anyone. Satan wants to make you feel like you are all alone like no one cares. Plan now who you will go to when you need encouragement.
Go here to download those free Overcoming Fear Scripture cards.
My advice is to do the work and have the plan ready for those times fear rears it’s ugly head. You can also use this battle plan with any issue or struggle (inferiority, anger, etc.) you have.
If you know of anyone struggling with fear right now please share this with them. Feel free to share on social media if you feel it will help someone.
Here are some more posts I have written on FEAR that have practical advice on how to overcome that fear. If you need any help or have any questions please email me at bjac68 at gmail.com.
When Fear rears its ugly head
Fear is a Liar
Fighting Fear when it tries to suck you Under
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this is really amazing and interesting article on fight the fear overcoming fear scripture cards. thanks for sharing this article.
I think it is a need of time or we say about scripture cards. The fear battle plan will boost our immunity against any disaster.
this is really amazing and interesting article on fighting the fear overcoming fear scripture cards.
this is really amazing and interesting article on fighting the fear overcoming fear scripture cards. thanks for sharing this article.
These look great. For some reason though the link for downloading the scripture cards brings me back to this page and I can’t seem to work out how to download them.