Hi everyone! How is your first full week of January going? If you have strengthen your prayer life on your goal sheet then today’s post is for you. I’m sharing 5 resources to help you accomplish this. Sometimes improving something is just a small change. Here are some easy ideas to help you.
I LOVE journaling and I love journaling where I can doodle and see color. Color energizes me! So, I’ve created a prayer journal sheet with color that will help me stay focused. There is a place for me to write down answers to prayers, things I’m grateful for, my focus for the day, requests for family and friends, and a place to journal my prayers.
Download Green
Here is another tool that can be used in conjunction with the prayer sheet or as a stand-alone.
A stands for “adoration.” Begin the prayer by simply adoring God for who He is.
C stands for “confession.” Spend some time confessing your sins.
T stands for “thanksgiving.” Take time to thank God for the blessings that He has given to you and your family.
S stands for “supplication.” Lift up specific areas of your life in which you need God to supply for
your needs.
Download Green
Here is a calendar that you can repeat every month that covers areas you want to focus on with your children. If we aren’t praying specifically for our children, who is? I’ll be doing a series on praying for your husband soon.
Download the calendar here
Here are specific prayers to pray each day.
Week 1 here
Week 2 here
I had never seen the finger prayers. In my readings, I see it came from Pope Francis. This tool is one you can use in the car, in the dr office, etc. A very easy way to remember to pray!
- Pinky Finger- Smallest and weakest finger-Pray for the sick, dying, weak, homeless, uneducated, etc.
- Ring Finger- Finger that is a symbol of commitment and family- pray for those you are closest to- friends and family
- Middle Finger- Stands up tall- Pray for those in positions of leadership- The president, government leaders, principals, employers, etc.
- Pointer Finger- Points the way- Pray for those who are an example of the Christian life- The Pope, bishops, priests, teachers, mentors
- Thumb- Closest to you- Pray for your concerns, plans, hopes, and fears
Here is a prayer request sheet to help you SEE God at work. It’s so important for us to REMEMBER all He has done.
Download pink here
Download green here
Make sure to check out my Who I am in Christ Scripture cards. These are great to throw in your car or purse and review them during your downtime.
Also, here is a Bible Study sheet I made for my personal study if you are interested.
Do you have a favorite prayer tool? I’d LOVE to hear about it.
Have a FABULOUS day! We get to choose!
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