There is nothing better than a home that’s been purged and decluttered. When we started to Airbnb our home a couple of years ago we did a MAJOR purge and it has been amazing. Every year since I have done more and more. I’m here today to share some ideas on how to Spring Clean your Home.
I’m in this spring cleaning with you! I just cleaned out my closet and gathered 6 garbage bags of clothes, shoes, and scarves to take to Salvation Army. It feels AMAZING to get it out of my house. I feel like I’ve lost 20 pounds.
Now, I’m on to my craft room. Please don’t judge me! But here is the before. I will be sure to share the after with you.
I’ve created a worksheet to print out and do one cleaning or decluttering project every day for a month. Most of these can be done in 15 minutes. We can do anything for 15 minutes, right? Ready, set go! Let’s be intentional and throw off some extra weight.
You can download the Spring Clean your Home worksheet here:
If you choose to take up the challenge I’d love to see pictures of your before and afters.
Here are 10 eco-friendly recipes to help you get your cleaning and organizing done.
10 Essential Oil Household Cleaning Recipes
Make Sure You Check Out These Other Spring Clean Your Life Posts:
Spring Clean your Life Series
Spring Clean your Goals & Dreams
Spring Clean your Technology
Spring Clean your Time
Spring Clean your Relationships
Spring Clean your Spirit
Spring Clean your Soul
Spring Clean your Health
Spring Clean your Finances
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Thank you for the cleaning motivation! I’m starting my spring cleaning today. I like cleaning one room at a time. Makes me feel good to accomplish a room and move on to the next.