Hi, I’m back with another week of More: It’s Time to Dream Big. You can find previous weeks here. I suggest you take the time to go back and read it I’m positive you will learn something.
How has the dreaming process been going? Are you super excited? Scared? Confused? Stuck? In our Monday class some women are getting it and some of them are still really struggling. Both places are OK as long as you don’t shut down and quit. If you’re struggling be honest with God. He already knows how you’re feeling. He needs and wants your honesty.
This week I want to talk about why having dreams or a vision is crucial.
What is the goal of dreaming? What are we trying to accomplish by dreaming? For me, when I dream it’s about me living the abundant life, being fully alive. Not going through the motions. Not staying stagnant. It’s being obedient to God and doing things He’s calling me to. That usually means He’s pulling me out of my comfort zone.
When I shared in my post on God wants to resurrect broken dreams I shared about God showing me how I was living in a prison, a self imposed one. I’m finding I’m not the only one who is or has been living in a prison cell. I think there are a lot of us living in prison cells and some of us are so comfortable living there we’ve even started decorating our cells. We’ve bought the lie that this is all life has for me. We don’t lose weight, it’s hopeless. We stay in the job we hate. We’ve given up and settle for relationships that we can’t stand. We become a victim and start hanging up pictures decorating our cells.
HEAR ME PLEASE!!! We don’t have to stay there it’s a lie!! The only thing keeping you in the prison cell is losing the will to dream. My goal with today’s post it so share why dreaming is so important for you.
In Proverbs 29:18 KJV it says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish:”
Definition of Perish:
- to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.:to perish in an earthquake.
- to pass away or disappear: an age of elegance that has forever perished.
- to suffer destruction or ruin: His valuable paintings perished in the fire.
- to suffer spiritual death: Save us, lest we perish.
When we don’t dream, we die. We won’t die physically but our soul starts dying and we start living very stagnant lives. Lives where we are just going through the motions of life.
William Wallace in Braveheart said, “Every man dies; not every man lives”. That is a sobering thought. I know this to be true in my life and I think there are a LOT of us functioning this way.
Perish comes from the Hebrew word para and it has six meanings that relate to dreaming or having a vision.
1. Para means unbridled, uncontrolled, or unrestrained. NIV version Proverbs 29:18 says “people cast off restraint”. Without vision we live our lives like a horse that is unbridled or a car without a steering wheel or brakes. We are out of control. We wander aimlessly in our lives. A horse in a bridle is much more productive than one with out.
Dreams help steer us and they also provide restraint. Example: Say your dream is to be debt free. When we have that dream and we are praying about that dream and keeping that dream in front of our eyes, then we will be careful when that temptation comes up to buy that new car or new dress, etc. Our dream helps restrains us.
2. The second meaning of para is naked, meaning uncovered, unprotected or exposed. Where there is no vision we are unprotected and vulnerable to wrong choices, compromise and distractions that waste time and energy. Dreams protect us from wandering aimlessly.
3. The third meaning of para or perish is unready or unprepared. Better described as letting an opportunity slip through your fingers. Where there is no dream or vision opportunities will be missed. When your dream is in front of you eyes you will see opportunities that you wouldn’t normally see.
4. The fourth meaning of para is to withdraw. In Exodus 5:4 para is used in conjunction with the Israelites being unwilling to work. We become unmotivated and lazy without a dream. We start coasting through life, going through the motions.
5. The fifth meaning of para is being unteachable. Where there is no dream or vision people are unteachable. I want to be teachable. I’ve learned that hard way that being unteachable has some hefty consequences. Proverbs is full of the importance of wise counsel. See Proverbs 1:25, 8:33, 13:18 The dreamer who is wise is always looking for creative ideas, educating himself and learning from other people.
6. The sixth meaning of para is to let down or unbraid hair. To unbraid means to separate or unravel. Where there is no common dream or vision people disconnect. This is why having dreams and goals with your spouse is so crucial. The same with relationships in the body of Christ. We don’t want to be disconnected. Satan wants us disconnected and will try his hardest to disconnect us.
We were created to dream. Some of us are going to have to fight really hard to dream. Some of you are going to need to ask God where the lies are that you are believing. Some of you are going to need to walk out of a decorated prison cell into the bright light and that is going to be scary.
You can download this printable here
Action Steps:
~Are you living in a decorated prison cell? What is holding you there? Ask God to show you the lie you’re believing.
~Look over these 6 meanings for perish. Can you see any of these meanings for perish happening in your life right now? If so journal what you see to God. Ask Him to forgive you and renounce the lies.
~ What would you like the end result of dreaming to be for you in your life? Be specific and write it down. Need some help? Go back to week 1 for a sheet of questions to get your mind flowing.
~Take some time to sit down and dream.
Questions? Leave your question in the comment section and I’ll be happy to answer.
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