15 Motivational Sports Printables
I feel it’s super important to keep positive things in front of us. There are so many negative things screaming at us constantly and we NEED to have reminders in front of us. I’m really working with my boys on paying attention to the things they “think” about. To help them stay focused on their school work and sports I decided to create some 5 x 7 motivational printables for their lockers. Now my boys are HUGE sports fanatics and seem to eat, drink and sleep sport so knew that I could get their attention with sports printables. I had them set down and give me some of their favorite quotes. Much to my surprise, there was no complaining about doing this. They even went so far as writing down if they wanted the quote to go with a football or basketball picture.
After I had their quotes I went to Morgue File and did a search for pictures. I then proceeded to make the printables. I will print them out at SAM’s, laminate them and add magnets to the back of them to hang in their lockers. Since I was sharing them with you I made a few girl specific pictures and some that could be for both boys and girls.
You can download them here
I’m aware that Wayne Gretzky is a hockey player but one of my boys who gets stuck thinking he can’t shoot picked this one out.
If you need some “Back to School” help check out these other blog posts:

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I love these! Very uplifting and encouraging. Glad you shared.Hugs,Marcie @ I Gotta Try That
lots of nice resources here
Great inspirational quotes! Both my children are in sports! Thank you ~Pali @knitting Rays of Hopehttp://knittingraysofhope.wordpress.com/Part of the TitiCrafty Bewitch ME & Titi link party
This is a really good idea because we are visual learners and being positive can effect those boys so much.Thank you for linking up with Motivational Monday
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So true on keeping positive! Love these and thanks for linking it up in the Bowdabra Crafty Showcase! Check out the new linky! http://bowdabrablog.com/2013/08/10/bowdabra-craft… Have a super week, Susie @Bowdabra