Hi Guys! I hope you are having a wonderful start to summer. It’s been a little crazy around here. My step dad passed away from a long illness and my 46 year old sister had a stroke and is having some complications with an aneurysm. Prayers for her would be wonderful! So needless to say I haven’t got to dive into summer yet. My boys are done with school on June 12th so it’s not officially summer here. But I’m really looking forward to some lazy days of summer.
I wanted to share with you a Summer Mantel I did for a friend from Bible Study. Jenny is a mother of 4 small boys and asked if she could hire me to do a mantel and I said no, but I would love to come do one for her for free. So, I visited her house and it was funny she has a red fireplace wall just like me. I felt like I was decorating for myself. Jenny gave me free reign to do whatever I wanted. Her only request was she wanted a “girly girl” mantel. So I would like to show you what I did for her.
First thing I did was have her give me a list of her favorite things about summer. I created a printable for her using her favorite things. I did it in Yellow, Red and Lt. Blue. You can download a free copy in 2 different sizes below.
While I was at it I decided to do the same print with a few other colors as well. So, if you like this better feel free to download this one below in your choice of 2 sizes.
I knew I wanted to do a bunting. I did have a concern that she might have boys hanging on it but I made one and if she needs to take it down, oh well. I had some yellow burlap and thought that might go perfect with my color scheme. I cut them out and then went around each one with my sewing machine.
I then pulled the strings so that it had a frayed edge. I took some ribbon from my stash and laid out the ribbon and pinned the burlap to the ribbon. I also found in my craft stash some flowers that I hot glued onto the burlap adding some more “girlie” touches.
I knew I wanted some painted glass vases that are all over Pinterest but I did mine a little different. I spray painted mine. I cleaned the vases and then sprayed them on the outside of the bottle. It’s best to use a vase that has some texture. It hides the imperfections and paint drips.
I added a flower to each vase.
I wanted to do a monogram but didn’t have a big “B”. I did have this blue charger that I bought at Target after Christmas for .99. I thought that might work great if I cut a “B” from vinyl. So I chose yellow vinyl. I added a big red flower to bring some more “girly girl” to the mantel.
I found this lantern at Goodwill for .99 and gave it a coat of blue spray paint and put it next to the monogrammed plate.
There you have it! A “girly girl” mantel and the best thing is, it was all done for $18.00
I hope you enjoy it, Jenny!
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I love this. I have not seen the painted vases. I have plenty of those lying around! I am a new follower on GFC, facebook and twiiter. I'd love for you to follow me back!Gina from Gina's Craft cornerhttp://ginascraftcorner.blogspot.com/
I love changing up the mantle. It's an easy way to embrace the colors of the changing seasons. Thanks for the printable. Very cute!
Totally LOVE this Printable!! Thank you so much!!
I don't know why I've never thought of decorating the mantel for summer! Duh! I just LOVE all the easy and inexpensive little tricks! I have some vases that are headed for the spray paint now 🙂 Pinning this great idea! Found you via All thing Pretty party :)Nicole @ 365ishpins.com
It is completely lovely! All of it! I am co-hosting Diana's Pin Me party this week and would like to invite you to link up at Party In Polka Dots. It's a Monday party that is live right now!Shelleyhttp://www.piggyinpolkadots.com/2013/06/party-in-polka-dots-26-linky-and-sweet.html
This is a fantastic mantel! I love the bright, bold colors!Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection. Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)¤´¨) ¸.•*´ (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo <a href="http://www.raising-reagan.comwww.raising-reagan.com<br />
That is a lovely printable!Thank you for linking up to Raising Imperfection! Make sure to check back on Friday to see if you were featured.Leslie http://www.violetimperfection.com
Super cute mantel! You can come do a mantel for me any day!! Thanks for sharing it and the free printable at Think Tank Thursday. I have featured it today.http://www.saving4six.com/2013/06/welcome-to-think-tank-thursday-34.html
Love this, Barb! I featured it at today's Grace at Home–thanks for linking up!
Seeing this free printable post linked up at the Creative HomeAcre Hop made me feel all summery, despite the cold grey weather here in the UK! Thanks for joining us and we hope you'll come and party creatively again on Sunday at <a href="http://mumtopia.blogspot.com/2013/06/June16thbloghop.htmlhttp://mumtopia.blogspot.com/2013/06/June16thblog… />
Love this printable, it matches my summer display so I had to add it. Thanks!