How are you doing? Really doing? Not the answer you think I want to hear but the real answer. Are you weary? Are you stagnant? Are you going through the motions of life? If so it’s time to do some spring cleaning on your soul.
Let’s look at a few areas of your soul that might need some cleaning done.
Clean out the cobwebs of negative thinking?
How is your thought life? Is it a jumbled up mess of negative thinking? Are you stuck in the fear and what-ifs of life? What about I can’t do this or I’ll never get this? These negative thoughts will keep you stuck. Become aware of what you really are thinking about and then spend some time confessing them to God asking Him to help you.
Clean up that self-talk
What are you saying to yourself? Would you talk to anyone else the way you talk to yourself? Stop and look at the things you are saying to yourself. Is it a truth or a lie? If it’s a lie change it and restate the truth.
Make a list of declarations that you can declare over yourself and say them out loud. Ex. I am a child of God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can accomplish my goals and dreams.
Write down the things you are doing right every day. Start a list. You can read more about that here. Why do we focus on all the things we don’t do right instead of giving ourselves credit for the things we do right. Doing this simple task will change your self-talk immensely.
Sweep away those unrealistic expectations
Definition of expectations is= what you think ought to happen as a result of what you do, you say or you plan.
Most of the time expectations are a silent contract, so silent you might not even consciously be aware of when you are living with expectations. My challenge to you today is to become aware of when you are living with expectations so that you can get rid of those to live the abundant life God has given us.
Expectations can get us into real trouble. We expect life to go a certain way and then we are angry and bitter when they don’t go that way.
Ann Voskamp says, “Expectations kill relationships, especially with God.”
Spruce up and change some habits & routines
Do you have some habits that need to be changed? Are you pushing the snooze button too long? Spending time on Facebook instead of interacting with your spouse or kids? Leaving those dirty close on the floor? Look at your life and choose a habit or two and change.
Did you start a new habit at the beginning of the year and now they’ve fallen by the wayside? Pick those good habits back up, dust them off and start over again.
Have your routines fallen off the bandwagon? Stop, regroup and get back at them. I have to do this periodically. Life gets busy, I get tired and truthfully I get bored doing the same thing every day. I’m getting better but there are periods where I just need to change it up. I do accomplish a lot more when I follow my routines.
What are you filling your brain with?
Are you constantly on social media and watching mindless TV? Girls, we have to be very careful about this. It looks soooooo innocent but what goes in comes out. If you are feasting on Real Housewives you will be picking up their attitudes and actions. If you are constantly reading about how great someone’s life is you will learn to live with a discontented soul.
Are you reading your Bible? Are you reading and listening to things that spur you on to good works. Don’t let the enemy suck you in with mindless garbage. Stop and look at your day yesterday and write down all that you fill your brain with. If you don’t like what you see change it. If you do like what you see add it to your daily win section.
I hope you found some areas you can where you can spring clean your soul and become more of who God created you to be.
Make Sure You Check Out These Other Spring Clean Your Life Posts:
Spring Clean your Life Series
Spring Clean your Goals & Dreams
Spring Clean your Technology
Spring Clean your Time
Spring Clean your Relationships
Spring Clean your Spirit
Spring Clean your Soul
Spring Clean your Health
Spring Clean your Home
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