Hi Guys! Are you busy decorating for the holidays?? At my house we are. We’re going to get out tree today in just a few minutes but I wanted to share my Winter front porch.
I found this vintage sled at Goodwill for $5.00. It doesn’t work as a sled but it works great as a decorating piece. I found this scarf at the Dollar Tree. Added some greenery and picks and I have a winter sled which can sit out on my porch all winter if I want it to.
I also used the wooden box that I used in my Fall Front Porch post. I put greenery and ornaments in it.
I had a rustic wreath that I added a large ball to it to make it more festive. After Christmas, I can remove the ball and it can hang for the winter months.
I had 3 rustic trees that I added to the arrangement. Those can also stay up all winter. Although I’m sure I’ll get bored and change it come Jan. or Feb.
Do you decorate your front porch for Winter or Christmas??
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Beautiful! Love the sled idea! Great combo of vintage finds and dollar store items – looks fantastic 🙂
so so pretty. I am ashamed to say that right now I have a bag of dirty diapers on my front porch. Your's is definitely way prettier!Just a wanted to let you know our Silhouette Cameo Giveaway ends tonight, if you haven't entered yet (or if you wanna get more entries! 🙂 Have a great weekend!http://www.oneprojectcloser.com/giveaway-and-the-humble-brag-link-party-11/