Our marriage truly is a gift from God!
35 Things I’ve Learned:
20. Allow space for each person to pursue their passions. My husband LOVES to hunt and I have not always been a good hunting wife. I’m leaning to give him that space.
21. Find at least one thing you like to do together. Jim and I’s one thing is gardening.
22. In any conflict ask God to show you your part in the conflict and ask Him to show your hubby his part. I promise He’ll show you your part if you ask and this will keep you from living in pride.
24. Recognize the differences between males and females and how they think. In our first 10 years, I didn’t understand this principle and it caused a lot of conflicts. Gary Smalley has some great teachings on this.
There you have it the 35 lessons I’ve learned in no particular order.
If God can do it in my marriage He can do it in yours.
Recommended Resources:
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desire; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Emerson Eggerichs
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman
Hidden Keys of a Loving, Lasting Marriage by Gary Smalley
Experiencing Christ Together: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in Marriage by Neil Anderson
Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy by Gary Thomas
Intimate Issues: Twenty-One Questions Christian Women Ask About Sex by Linda Dillow
The Power of a Praying® Wife by Stormie Omartian
Focus on the Family– Great articles and podcasts on marriage.
Family Life– Great articles and podcasts on marriage.
If you want more ideas on how to add spark to your relationship please check out these post:

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This is awesome:) Here's to 35 more years! This is great advice for every relationship!
Hi there! I wish you a longer life together 😉 I stopped by through the Tutus and Tea parties Pinterest Linky. I pinned your post on my lifestyle board. Here's the link I'd like to be pinned : <a href="http://ellecrafts.blogspot.fr/2012/11/ma-belladone-by-deer-and-doe.htmlhttp://ellecrafts.blogspot.fr/2012/11/ma-belladon… />Thank you from Paris ;)Bisous, Sparklehttp://ellecrafts.blogspot.com
Loved this post! So much useful information and it looks like you two have made it work and are really happy after 35 years. Happy Anniversary and enjoy your getaway!
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! Thank you for the words of wisdom and I couldn't agree more on all points!
Great list! I read every single one :o) And congratulations on your anniversary! Thanks for partying with us @ Keep Calm & Link Up! Have an awesome week :)xo, Meredith @ http://www.waittilyourfathergetshome.com
Congrads on reaching 35! whoohoo!
Barb,Happy Anniversary and Congradulations. I love the list that you made. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. This weeks party starts at 12:01AM on Wednesday and runs through Sunday night. Have a great week.Debi, Joye and Myrna (The Busy Bee's), Linda (Two Succulent Sisters)
Love this list, Barb! Thank you for sharing it!
Congratulations on your 35 years! That is such an accomplishment these days, it is something to be really proud of. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary in February. Not sure that I can add anything to your list but I agree with all of it. The other day my husband absolutely made me float on clouds by sending me the sweetest little text message. It was probably only 7 or 8 words but I won't forget it. 🙂
Happy Anniversary!! Wow 35 years that's fabulous. You guys look great, and so happy :)As a newlywed, I truly appreciate the wisdom you shared. Thank you!!Stephaniehttp://sharelovealways.blogspot.ca/
This si so wonderful and it made me smile and reminds me to always be trying to be the best wife I can be. Thanks for sharing and I am featuring you today:)Kim
This is a wonderful post and you hit the target with each number. Thanks for sharing. Every newlywed should have a copy of this.
What a great post! Marriage is so important, yet not honoured by the society as a whole. THank the Lord for people who still strive to honor the Lord AND their wedding vows!Visiting frompint-sizedtreasures.comAlison
I wish you more and more years of love and happiness to come! This is so inspiring specially like me as a new couple. God bless your family.