I don’t know about you, but my summer routines often gets a bit out of whack. I love sleeping in and ditching some of the strict routines of the school year, but I don’t want to lose all structure. With, summer half over, I want to keep myself on track. I’ve chosen these verses as my summer theme:
“Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16)
I want to live with purpose, so I need a plan. Here are some ideas I brainstormed to help us both achieve that:
- Find an online Bible study – I did some research for you. Here’s a link to some online studies I found on Pinterest.
- Read a chapter of Proverbs daily.
- Read Psalms according to the date – Today is the 11th, so read Chapters 11, 41, 71, 101, and 131.
- Join Bible Recap by Tara Leigh Cobble- she has a free study where you read through the Bible in a year.
- Use the YouVersion Bible App – It’s free and available on iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and Palm. It offers over 100 versions of the Bible in many languages and has great reading plans. I love comparing different versions of the Bible.
- Memorize Scripture with the Bible Memory Verses app – Also free, it has 1,000 Bible verses to choose from in four versions (ESV, KJV, NASB, NIV). Features include word removal, flashcards, audio playback, search, and quizzes to test your knowledge.
- Turn your car into a university – My trips around town take 20-30 minutes, perfect for listening to a sermon or a teaching.
- Join an Audiobook Club – Listen to a good Christian book while driving or relaxing at the beach.
- Listen to the Bible in the car – Most Bible apps include an audio version.
- Keep a devotional book in your bathroom – There are so many great ones out there. Read while you’re getting ready in the morning.
- Keep a Bible or Scripture verses on the kitchen counter – Glance at them while cooking or cleaning.
- Get daily devotionals emailed to you – Crosswalk has a great selection.
- Do a devotional book with your kids – It keeps you on track and helps nurture their faith. There are plenty of great books to choose from.
- Join a book study with friends – This summer, I’m reading “Good and Beautiful God” with a group of friends. We meet at a park so the kids can play while we study and fellowship.
- Find an accountability partner – Pair up with a friend and keep each other on track with your quiet time or whatever goal you set. Check in with each other regularly. Accountability makes a huge difference for me.
Let’s be purposeful and intentional with our Bible Study this summer!!!
What do you do to keep yourself growing during the summer?
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