How often do we “honor” our husband, the father of our children? I know for me life gets soooo busy and I go through the motions, through the grind of life and don’t take the time to appreciate him. Father’s day is a great day to start.

10 Ways to Honor Dad
Something I learned years ago from Gary Smalley’s video series “Keys to a Loving Relationship” was that a key component to a loving relationship is to honor someone. He used the example of the President of the United States. If we found out the President was coming to our home, we would be thrilled. When he walked in we would be wowed! He challenged us to examine whether or not we treat our spouse that way? That’s what honor means. Would we ignore the President if he walked into our house? Would we snap at him? Criticize him? Ignore him?
I don’t know about you but I need that word picture of honoring my husband the same way I would the president. I need it often. With Father’s Day approaching I thought I”d share some ideas on ways to honor him with actions. I know it sometimes way easier to hand over a gift and be done, but I promise this will be a lasting gift, that I’m sure his soul needs. Don’t we all??
1. Figure out what his love language is. In Gary Chapman’s, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts he teaches that we all have a love language. The 5 different love languages are acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, gift-giving. How your husband shows you love is probably what his love language is. Once you know his love language, speak it all day and then continue the next day and the next day.
2. Give him a day to do whatever he wants! So many times we have an agenda that is frankly “our” agenda on” his” day.
3. In your card write 5 things you love and appreciate about him. Focus on his character.
4. Cook his favorite meal and then throw in his favorite dessert.
5. Enjoy him! Don’t let life and the mundane get in the way. What does he like to do? Do it with him.
6. Express how much you appreciate his ability to provide for you and your family.
7. Save some energy for him so you aren’t tired when he wants you sexually. Better yet you initiate it!
8. Look nice for him. Too many times we just look dumpy because we get bogged down with life. Not only will he like it but YOU will feel better.
9. Brag about him in front of the kids.
10. Thank him for just being himself. Rediscover the reasons you were attracted to him in the first place. It’s there. Read my blog post on being a good finder if you need help with this.
Let’s let this be a habit that lasts more than one day a year. Do you have any ways you honor your husband that you’d like to share? I’d love to hear what you do.

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Great list, Barb! I'm actually doing #4 for my hubby today! 😉
Thanks Dawn Nicole. I am doing #2 today. Enjoy your day!
Thank you for sharing.
Debra,Thanks for your comment! Have a great night
Great post and it's so important. I'm a new follower
Such a great list and reminder to appreciate our spouse and all he does. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersPary