It’s time for our life lesson on Dreaming 101. I’m not writing this article as an expert, but as someone who needs to learn to dream again as I shared in my blog post Dare to Dream. So, I’m sharing notes I’ve taken and I will be doing the exercises myself. I hope you will too.
First thing I want to do is to define what “dream” means. To dream = a condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.
What is your dream? What would you want to do if time and resources were not an issue? What I mean by dream is what you truly want to do, what you really want to accomplish. You may want to learn a new skill, or work at a certain job. Or it may be as simple as making consistent time to go for a walk or work in your garden. We each have many unused, under-utilized, undiscovered gifts and talents lying dormant in each one of us.
Here is a list of a few excuses that come up when dreams are discussed.
- I don’t know what I want
- I once had a dream but now the dream seems incompatible with my identity and life style
- I abandoned my dream to make ends meet
- I am overwhelmed with all the available choices out there
- I am spread so thin that it is hard to be ‘selfish’ and put my efforts toward something justfor me
- I am scared to go after my dream
- Hobbies are indulgences that adults enjoy after all the “important stuff” is done
- I don’t deserve to follow my dreams..
Have you heard yourself say any of these?
What is your dream? To be honest for me, my dream is covered in layers of dirt. I feel like I am an archaeologist unearthing something that’s been hidden for a lot of my life. Shoveling away the layers of dirt and debris. So, if you are like me and aren’t quite sure what your dream is, here is a little exercise you can do to help discover it.
Answer the following questions honestly and quickly with the first thing that comes to your mind.
- You won $1 million?
- You had to return to college to get a four-year degree?
- You won $1,000 a week for life?
- You lost your present job?
- You had six months to live?
- What has been the work or lifestyle that you have chosen to return to again and again?
- What do you routinely say that you will do “someday”? What life change or way of life are you putting off?
- Would you be willing to live with very little money and pursue a dream? Or would you rather work in a job that means nothing to you in order to have all kinds of material comforts?
- Are you willing to live in the world, in the moment? Or do you seek to build a cocoon that meets all your needs?
- What could you imagine getting up in the morning for? What could you imagine being in your life so that when you go to bed every night, you think, “I can hardly wait for tomorrow!”?
- If your dream involves creative or performing arts, would you be willing to live frugally to follow your passion?
Did you unearth anything by answering those questions?
Another thing to do is to watch your life- look inside yourself. What moves and stirs you? Watch your reactions to situations and events. Watch to see what evokes your passion, your affection and your anger. Watch for the natural abilities and giftings that come to the surface. Pay attention to what your are drawn to or interested in.
As I close this post today I wanted to share something I read in “Birthing Your Dreams” by Paula White.
“There is no one like you. You are a rare artifact, a priceless treasure, an irreplaceable jewel. You are the one and only you. Do you realize that never before and never again will you be created? God made you specifically, at this time, in your family, your workplace, your city, your specific sphere of influence to do something no one else can do. You are not where you are today by accident; you are where you are by the divine plan of the sovereign God of this universe. Remember that God finished you before He started you; He knows exactly what you need in order to fulfill your dreams because He sees the end from the beginning.”
Take some time this week to pray and ask God to reveal to you the dreams He has for you and I will be doing the same.
“Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” Jer. 33:3
Happy Dreaming!
Make sure you check out Dreaming 102 here.
and Turning those dreams into goals here.
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I am dreaming of a dream.