Hi! My name is Barb Camp and I live in Northern Michigan with my hubby Jim. We’ve been married 46 years (yikes! – not sure how that is even possible when I only feel 45 years old). We have 6 adult children, ranging in ages from 45-25 and 6 grandchildren.
Meet the Camp Clan
A bit about me
I started this blog because I had just come out of a really bad time in my life. I had a lot of disappointment in my life regarding some dreams I was pursuing. So instead of persevering through those disappointments I took my dreams and packed them in a mental backpack and buried them in the ground. I didn’t want to see those dreams ever again. Something I’ve learned in that time is you can’t bury dreams (or any emotional garbage for that fact). For years I have spent so much energy trying to keep all of that buried that I have robbed myself of living fully alive. God gave me a little talking to and said Barb, GET UP, STOP sitting in your self-imposed prison, hiding. So, Second Chance to Dream was created. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a battle to stay present in that dream. But we don’t have to do life perfectly, do we?
I have a passion to help women live fully alive! I’ve done a lot of things the wrong way in my life but that gives me life experiences that I can encourage and help others navigate through so they can avoid those hard times. Life is too short to hide our dreams! We have too much to give to others. Do you need a Second Chance to Dream? Then this is the place for you.
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