After this week we’ll be more than half way through our series on praying for our children. How has your intentional praying been going?? Are you plugging along? I have to confess I did even worse this week at consistently praying each day. 🙁… [read more]
Praying for Our Children- Week 2
Week 2 Praying for Our Children Last Monday I shared with you a calendar on different areas to pray for your children. I also shared with you scriptures you can personalize & pray for them. If you missed that post you can find it here:… [read more]
Praying for our Children
Are regularly praying for your children? I will be honest, I pray, but I don’t always pray intentionally and specifically. It seems my prayers for my kids are usually in the areas that they are struggling with that day. I want to get intentional about… [read more]
10 Ways to Honor Dad on His Special Day
How often do we “honor” our husband, the father of our children? I know for me life gets soooo busy and I go through the motions, through the grind of life and don’t take the time to appreciate him. Father’s day is a great day… [read more]
Dreaming 102
Did you learn anything about yourself last week? Did you unearth any buried dreams? I did! It’s dreams I’ve had buried for years. I’ve scraped the dirt and dust off of them, and picked them up and looked at them but that’s not enough. I… [read more]
Dreaming 101
It’s time for our life lesson on Dreaming 101. I’m not writing this article as an expert, but as someone who needs to learn to dream again as I shared in my blog post Dare to Dream. So, I’m sharing notes I’ve taken and I… [read more]