Are regularly praying for your children? I will be honest, I pray, but I don’t always pray intentionally and specifically. It seems my prayers for my kids are usually in the areas that they are struggling with that day. I want to get intentional about praying for specific areas of their life. I decided to make a calendar putting in the different areas I could focus on for that day. That way these things get covered on purpose. I print mine out and laminated it and put it in a notebook by my Bible, so it’s handy.
“I believe the greatest influence a mom can have in the life of her child is through prayer. As she stands in the gap for her beloved child, the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth hears and answers her prayers. When we pray the promises of God for our children, our faith increases because we are praying back the very words of God.” Fern Nichols, Founder of Moms In Touch, Intl.
Download Prayer Calendar here:
I also typed up some scriptures to pray for my kids for the first week. I will do this each week until we have 5 scriptures for each day. There are a couple ways you can use this list. You could copy and paste them into a word doc and print them out and put in a notebook or you could rewrite them onto a 3×5 index card notebook. They even have some cute Martha Stewart ones at Staples. The goal is to get these scriptures in front of my eyes and pray them for my children. It’s never too early to pray these things for your child and it’s never too late if they are older and don’t live in your house. We need to be bringing our kids to the throne, whatever age they may be. If we aren’t who is?
For Salvation:
- Remove the veil from ____________’s eyes so that they can see the light of the gospel. Shine your light into their heart to give them the light of the knowledge of your glory in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4-6)
- Put people in __________’s life who will gently instruct them, and grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth. Cause __________ to come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. (2 Timothy 2:25-26)
- Open ____________’s eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ. (Acts 26:18)
- Thank you for loving _______ so much that you gave your one and only Son, that when ______ believes in him they will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
- Put a new spirit in ____________. Remove their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Cause ______ to follow your decrees and keep your laws. Let them know that they belong to you and that you are their God. (Ezekiel 11:19)
Developing a hunger for God’s Word:
- I pray for___________ to have an ever increasing hunger for more of you. May they long for your presence- long to spend time with you in prayer, praise, and worship.
- Let __________ keep your words and store up your commands so that they will live. Cause them to guard your teachings as the apple of their eye, and let them be written on the tablet of their heart. {Proverbs 7:2-3)
- Show _________ that your way is perfect and your word is flawless. Be their shield as she takes refuge in you. (2 Samuel 22:31)
- May ________ not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)
- Let ___________ take delight in your law, and let them meditate on it day and night so that whatever they do will prosper. (Psalm 1:1-3)
Developing their gifts and talents:
- Let __________ use their gifts for the common good, recognizing how they fit into the body of Christ and using their special abilities to build up and complement others. (1Cor. 12:7-26)
- Cause __________ to be diligent in developing their gifts and talents so that they will become “skilled in their work” and “serve before kings” using their abilities to fulfill your purposes. (Proverbs 22:9)
- Lord, you have said, “Let each one remain with God in that state in which he was called” (1 Corinthians 7:24) May it be for _____________ according to your word, that they may never stray from what you have called them to be and do, or try to be something they are not.
- Equip _________ with everything good for doing your will. (Hebrews 13:21)
- Show _________ how to use their gifts and talents wisely, being faithful with the abilities you have given her. (Matthew 25:21)
That they will promote God’s Kingdom:
- Let ___________’s light shine before others, that they may see their good deeds and praise you, our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
- I pray that _________ would always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks them to give the reason for the hope that they have and cause them to speak with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)
- May _________ never be ashamed of the gospel, but let them recognize that it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)
- Whenever _________ opens their mouth, give them the words to say so that they will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. (Ephesians 6:19)
- Cause ___________ to follow you, and make them a fisher of men. (Matthew 4:19)
Wisdom & Discernment:
- Give ________ wisdom and understanding. Do not let him forget your words or swerve from them. Cause them to love wisdom and to value it above all worldly desires and accomplishments. (Proverbs 4:5-7)
- Let _________ trust in you with all their heart. Don’t let them rely on their own understanding, but cause them to acknowledge you in all their ways, and make their paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
- Give ___________ a wise and discerning heart so that they can distinguish between right and wrong. (1 Kings 3:9,12)
- Let your spirit rest on ___________. Give them the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord-that they might delight in the fear of the Lord. Don’t let _________ judge by what they see with their eyes, or decide by what they hear with their ears, but let them act with righteousness, justice, and faith. (Isaiah 11:2-5)
- Counsel ________, Lord, instruct them, even during the night. Make known to them the path of life and fill them with joy in your presence. (Psalm 16:7,11)
Servants Heart:
- Don’t let _______ become weary in doing good. Let them know that at the proper time they will reap a harvest if they do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
- Let ____________ serve others in love. (Galatians 5:13)
- Whatever __________ does, let them work at it with all of their heart, as working for you, not for people. (Colossians 3:23)
- Let _________ do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than themselves. Let them look not only to their own interests, but also to the interests of others, and let their attitude be the same as that of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:3-5)
- Motivate _________ to serve wholeheartedly, as if they were serving you, not people and remind them that you will reward everyone for whatever good they do. (Ephesians 6:7-8)
Humble Teachable Heart:
- Cause _________ to be submissive and respectful toward those who are older and more experienced than they are. Let them be clothed with humility, remembering that you oppose the proud but give grace to the humble and that you will lift them up in due time. (1 Peter 5:5-6)
- Show __________ what you require: that they act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you, dear God. Teach them that these attributes matter more to you than any worldly success or accomplishments. (Micah 6:8)
- Let __________ give you’re the praise and glory for the talents and abilities you have given them. Remind them that everything they have comes from you alone. (1 Chronicles 29:11-14)
- Teach __________ to listen to advice and accept instruction so that, in the end, they will be wise. (Proverbs 19:20)
- As you do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine in _______’s life, let our entire family remember to give you the glory, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
The resources I used for this blog post were from these books.
These links are affiliate links.
Follow the series here:
Week 1 Praying for Our Children
Week 2 Praying for Our Children
Week 3 Praying for Our Children
Week 4 Praying for Our Children
Week 5 Praying for Our Children
Do you have any good advice on how you incorporate praying for your children? If so please leave a comment and share those with me. Let’s be diligent in praying for our children!
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I popped over here from Pinkapotamus…and I'm so glad I did. I absolutely love this post. I have already pinned it and plan to use it. What a wonderful idea. I find myself praying very generically for my children as well if I'm not extremely deliberate. I don't know if you've been nominated for "The Versatile Blogger" award, and if you have then feel free to ignore this, but I would like to nominate you!!! If you want to do it pop over to my blog and check out the rules. It's much like the Leibster Blog award. Regardless, thank you for the idea. Keep praying Sister in Christ!!!
What a great idea, I am pinning this!God Bless!
What a great idea to have some specific things laid out that are important to you! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!
I love this idea. I used to do this daily with a calender, yours is a great outline to follow!
That's really interesting and helpful. I, too, tend to focus on the specific things rather than seeing the greater needs. Thank you!
Hello, this is a wonderful share! I'm going to download! I found you at the Reasons to skip housework blog hop. I hope you'll check out my blog too!
What a great idea. I am so glad that I stopped by here to see your reminder about the most precious gifts we have.
I'm here from the Fabulous Friday link up party.This is such a great post and am so glad I found it! Though I pray for my children, sometimes they lose focus. I love the guide.Thank you!
I love this post! Thank you so much for linking up at The Prudent Pantry.
Those are beautiful prayers! Thank you so much for sharing on my blog hop. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! I will be pinning this.
Found you while I was blog browsing and what an inspiring post. My children are grown but I have never stopped praying for them their entire lives. But, I love what you said about intentional praying. Blessings to you!
What a great idea. And great to give some guidance to the little ones. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday! Hope to see you tomorrow.
Such a wonderful and beautiful idea. Praying for our children is so important and most parents just don't know where to start. Thank you for adding this to the Our Favorite Things Link party.
Thanks for sharing these inspirational ideas. Thanks for sharing this week at One Creative Weekend!
Here from Mary Beth's Work in Progress. This is a fantastic post! I can tell you put a lot of work and love into it. Thank you so much. I will pin and tweet this for you. People can benefit from your blog. Blessings! Tereasa at
Teresa, Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment I really appreciate it. Thank you too for pinning and tweeting that is very nice of you.
Looks like you went to a lot of work! Good job. It's great to be intentional in our prayers for our kids. Hopping over from WIP Wednesdays. Jennifer
I have a similar calendar that I got from I've also bought Praying Circles around Your Children that I want to read. I've heard great things about the Stormie Omartian book and hope to read it too! You are right on with this post. Praying for our kids is of utmost importance. If we don't, who will?Thanks for linking up!Mary Beth @newlifesteward
I can't tell you how much I appreciate this post. Thank you!Tamika @
Barb, I have started a new program including 30mins of morning quiet time, and honestly I have been stuck… what is quiet time supposed to look like? Do I really get 30mins to do nothing? Admitting that I am clueless in this area, I cannot wait to take this next 5 weeks and pray for my five children during quiet time.Thank you so much for taking the time to post this series. Hugs, Jen @ frazzled5
Hi! Me and my bigsis put a huge goal for us this year (2014)! To pray every day since january for my children and her husband. Just by faith! Because I'm not pregnant and she hasn't boyfriend yet! Just believing in God's promisses.
Everyday at noon we pray toghether by phone.
And I seek for calendars to help on this goal.
I want to thank you so much for providing me good stuff!
I'm translating it to portuguese (I live in Brazil) just to make it easier!
May God blesse you so much!
Melissa, that blesses my heart so much! God's Blessings to you. Heb. 11:6 says He is a rewarder of those who seek Him! He will reward you for praying and seeking Him. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know this.Barb