Today is November 1st. I can not believe how fast time is flying. Pretty soon we’ll be setting New Years Resolutions. For today’s blog post I wanted to focus on some kids Thanksgiving crafts. I think Thanksgiving is a much neglected holiday and one that is so important to teach our kids. So today I have a round up of 15 Kids Thanksgiving Crafts to share with them.
15 Kids Thanksgiving Crafts
I’ve always loved Pilgrims and Indians. I think these are just too cute. I will be gathering stuff to make these with my granddaughters on Thanksgiving day.

Macaroni Turkey byFamily Education
This macaroni turkey is awesome. Keep the kids busy while you’re making Thanksgiving dinner.

Aren’t these adorable? I would love one of those cookies right now.

We have made pine cone turkey’s before that we have used as place cards for Thanksgiving dinner. Just add a name made out of cardstock and your all set.

Paper Bag Turkey at Kaboose
This is just too cute as well as easy.

Indian Corn Button Napkin Rings at Family Fun
I would personally toilet paper rolls cut in 1/2 or 1/3 and make this easier and more of a napkin ring size. But, of course, that’s just my opinion.

You could do a couple of things with these thumbprint turkeys. You could make place cards for Thanksgiving dinner or you could use them to write things you are thankful for on index cards.

Turkey Hand Print Art by Stay At Home Mom
Doesn’t every Thanksgiving have to have a hand-painted turkey? You can go all out and add feathers.
Doesn’t every Thanksgiving have to have a hand-painted turkey? You can go all out and add feathers.

Paper Plate Turkey at Kaboose
Another fun hand-painted turkey. I Love the felt frame around the paper plate.

Paper Cup Turkey at Kaboose
Aren’t these cute too??

Teepee at Kaboose
Can’t leave the boys out. These would go great with the Pilgrims and Indian project.

If you have a lot of kids on Thanksgiving day this would be a great project to do.

Write on strips of paper things you are thankful for and make a Thankful Pumpkin.
I love doing a different place card every year. My granddaughters and I just might have to make these this year.
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