Today I want to “Celebrate Dad” with some Free Printables projects. Honoring dad is very important and our kids learn how from us. I know that is is sometimes hard to focus on him when we are barely above water ourselves, BUT with Father’s day coming it’s a GREAT place to start and then it’s baby steps from there. While you’re here make sure you check out my post on 15 Kids Fathers Day Crafts, there are lots of great ideas there.

My daughter in law, Marcy asked me if I would be making a Father’s day printable. She wanted one that her boys could answer for their dad. So the printable below was made for her and I wanted to share it with you as well! All you need to do is download the printable, print it out and have your kids help you fill it in. You can frame it if you wanted to. These kind of gifts are great to go back and look at years later. You can download the print here.
I also got the idea to make a mini banner and I bought these ties from Prettiful Designs that say #1 Dad. To make, download the ties. Run them through the laminator if you have one and if not skip this step. Cut them out and you can take a piece of ribbon and some mini clothespins and attach them to the ribbon with the clothes pin or punch holes in the ties in the corner and weave your ribbon or twine through the holes and then hang. Then make sure you place it in a place it where he can see it. I chose to hang ours on the bathroom mirror so he can see it and “celebrate him”.
You can download any of these printables here.
Below is a post I wrote on 10 Ways to Honor Dad on his special day. There are some tips here that you could carry out throughout the year.

Other Posts you might enjoy:
Here are some ideas for gifts the kids could make for dad.

Here are a couple other prints I made for Father’s Day last year if you like these better.

Remember “Celebrating Dad” just doesn’t happen we have to purposely do it but we can do it in baby steps!
Have fun!
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