We are heading to Georgia where my son and daughter in law live this weekend. My son informed me that the trees were all blooming which equals major ALLERGY issues for me . I can take drugs and feel better and feel tired but I shared here that I am trying to get healthy. I wanted less chemicals and more of a Natural Allergy Relief. So, when I got my essential oils starter kit. I did some research on what I could use to help me with allergy symptoms. Young Living has 3 oils- Lavender, Peppermint & Lemon which fight allergies without using the medicine cabinet.
Ways you can use these oils:
For mild symptoms– Add 2-3 drops of each oil to a diffuser and follow diffusing directions.
For moderate symptoms– This application is my favorite. I put 20 drops of each oil in a 10 ml bottle then fill the rest of the bottle with a carrier oil (olive oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil, or coconut oil).. I like to run it over the bottom of my feet, or in the palm of my hands and then cup and inhale OR you can apply topically to the back of your neck and behind your ears.
OR if you don’t want to do the rollerball method you can apply 2-3 drops of each topically to the back of your neck and behind your ears.
For severe symptoms– ingest 3 drops of each in a glass of water or Add 3 drops of each oil to a vegetable capsule You can find them here. Most essential oils cannot be taken internally, and I only recommend that you use this method with Young Living essential oils because of their high standards from Seed to Seal.
I’ve also created a printable label for your rollerball bottle as well as a printable recipe card. You can download the label and recipe here. For the label you can print on sticker paper or print on regular paper and use a tape runner to adhere it to the bottle. Print and cut out the recipe card and laminate if desired.
If you have any interest in knowing more about essential oils you can read more information here. You can also email me at bjac68@gmail.com with any questions, etc. I’d be more than happy to help you.
Also check out my post on Detoxing your body naturally. It’s got a lot of great information in it.
I have lots more chemical free recipes coming your way so I’d love to have you follow along. You can subscribe to my RSS Feed or sign up to receive a daily Email delivered to your inbox . You can also follow along via Facebook, Google + or Twitter.

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I love all 3 of these scents…great info!