This year the topic in our Bible study is MORE! We want MORE of God and we want Him in a BIG way.
Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super abundantly MORE than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us Eph. 3:20
Did you know you were created to dream? That dreaming is part of His purpose for your life. Did you know that He NEEDS you to dream? That only certain things can happen because He has those dreams set aside just for you to accomplish.
Does that last sentence inspire you or scare you?
Either way it’s OK! I’m starting a new series based on what we are teaching in Bible study. I’d LOVE to have you follow along. My prayer would be that you come away with a list of His dreams for you and for your family. That you would see Him do super abundantly MORE than you could dare ask or think.
Before we start next week why don’t you take some time and dream. Ask God to give you some of His dreams for you and your family. He has them set aside for you!! Some dreams you may know and some may be buried deep in the recess of your heart. Some may be half buried because they are scary and you don’t know what to do with them. My goal is to help us dig those dreams up.
I’ve created a sheet you can print out. These questions will help to get you started on the dreaming process.
You can download these questions here so that you can print them out.
God size dreams are usually a little bit crazy, somewhat risky and a lot scary !!!! But remember we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. Do you need a visual reminder? If so, feel free to download this printable I made to keep the message in front of my eyes.
You can download this printable here.
Do you struggle with dreaming? I’d love to hear. Will you plan on following along on Wednesdays? Please let me know by leaving a comment.
Make sure you check out Week 2 here:
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I appreciate your guide, but after 40 long years of dreaming the imposible. I’ve become humble enough just to enjoy what time I have left..
Perhaps my dream may have materialized had I been a little more bold.
I`m now 42 years old, and have accepted that there`s no such thing as will power.
Destiny always prevails..