Welcome back to More: It’s time to DREAM again. This is week 4. Last week we talked about how God wants to resurrect those dead buried dream. If you didn’t get a chance to read it make sure you take the time to do that, especially if you’ve had a lot of dreams that have been broken. You can also read week 1 More: It’s time to dream again and week 2 God’s Dreams becoming our dreams in case you missed a week.
How is the dreaming coming? Are you finding it easy to dream or are you struggling? There are a lot of ladies who are struggling on our Monday mornings. Most of us have forgotten how to dream. We can dream for our families but not for ourselves. It’s time to change that.
First thing we need to do is give ourselves permission to dream. Stop right now and tell yourself that you have permission to dream BIG! Now that that’s done, let’s move on.
Do you like to do puzzles? Are you a person who does the edges first or do you start with colors? Do you turn the pieces all right side up first? There are several ways you can put together a puzzle.
Let’s pretend that your dreams are like puzzle pieces. You have all these random dreams and you have no idea how they fit together or where they even fit together. What I want you to do this week is to just start picking up your dreams and start writing them down. There is POWER in writing them down. I’ve created an adult coloring book dream sheet. You can doodle and color while you dream.
You can download the sheet here. This border was created by Carrie Stephens of FishScraps on Etsy.
Take a couple hours of uninterrupted time and sit with your journal and ask God what dreams He has prepared in advance for YOU. Ask Him to give you some scriptures that go along with those dreams. Once you have them down you’re going to start praying about them. You’ll be telling God why you want these dreams. If these dreams aren’t His will for you He will start changing your desires. Fight for this time because it won’t just happen.
Here is the definition of dream from the dictionary:
- A cherished desire
- What is seen, envisioned, or longed for in the mind concerning the future.
- Unrealized desires, longings or plans
Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super abundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us Eph. 3:20 AMP
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11 ESV
Here are some Action Steps for you to accomplish during this weeks lesson:
- Set aside a half day and sit down with God and ask Him what some of the dreams He has for you are and any scriptures He’d like to give you. Write them down on the Dream sheet that is attached. When you do sit down to talk to God, please contact someone and ask them to pray for you while you are dreaming.
- After your time with God were there any pieces of the puzzle that are starting to come together for you? Write down any threads you are seeing: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Take those dreams from your dream list and start praying over them.
Write out a prayer asking God to help you accomplish that dream and tell Him why you want that dream:
Dream #2:___________________________________________________________________
Write out a prayer asking God to help you accomplish that dream and tell Him why you want that dream:
Dream #3:___________________________________________________________________
Write out a prayer asking God to help you accomplish that dream and tell Him why you want that dream:
Dream #4:___________________________________________________________________
Write out a prayer asking God to help you accomplish that dream and tell Him why you want that dream:
- Journal any struggles you might be having with this whole process. Share with God where you’re struggling and ask Him to help break the blocks that might be holding you back. Remember there is NO shame and He wants to hear your heart. If you’re excited from all you’re learning please share that joy and excitement with Him! He wants to hear your heart!
I would LOVE to hear how this is going for you. Leave me a note in the comments or send me an email at bjac68@gmail.com.
Make sure you read week 1, week 2 and week 3 so you can catch the whole series.
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