When we have God sized dreams it’s natural to want everyone to be get “it” and get excited about your dream. That probably won’t happen. We cannot wait until we have everyone’s approval. Do NOT wait until everyone buys into your dream. If Noah would’ve waited for people to buy into his dream the ark would’ve never been built.
7. A God-sized dream is ALWAYS bigger than you are
Rick Warren in his book, Purpose Driven Life says, “your dreams are not about you”.
God sized dreams are not about my personal fulfillment.
God sized dreams are not about making me happy.
God sized dreams are not about filling the empty spaces in my soul.
You will be tempted to make that dream all about you. But your dream will not fill you up inside. Yes, there will be great moments and you will find joy but it will also be hard, even exhausting and push you to your limits at times.
You dream is about the God who gave those dreams to you and it’s about the kingdom He’s building in this world. Our God sized dreams are about a bigger picture. Our dreams are a piece of God’s eternal puzzle.
A God-sized dream can make you feel very small but that’s a good thing, because in Him are enough. We are complete.
8. God-sized dreams always align with God’s purposes
God’s word is our guide book. If our dream doesn’t align with God’s word, then that dream isn’t from God.
God does not give us step by step instructions on how to achieve our dreams. He gives us a lot of freedom. In the parable of the master leaving his slaves with various talents Matt. 25:14-30 (which was money in those days) He didn’t leave specific instructions as to what they were to do with the talents. He didn’t give them a specific to do list.
Sometimes God tells us exactly what to do but other times He gives us an element of freedom to make choices. He lets us use our strengths, talents and experiences to choose.
We can get frozen with fear that we won’t do it right so we do nothing. Ever been there? I sure have!
If we make a mistake, He is there to show mercy and grace and redirect us and to redeem our mistakes. He doesn’t stand over us ready to beat us.
What’s more dangerous is doing NOTHING at all. The third servant did not find favor from God and was cast away.
9. Is usually hard than we think it should be
Most dreams fall by the wayside when we reach the land between. If it’s hard or overwhelming, we want to quit.
If God called you to this dream He will see you through it. We have to push into God during these hard times. Journal, pray, find friends who will encourage you. Memorize scriptures on God’s promises to us and be obedient in the waiting, in the hard places. We can’t quit.
10. It brings you joy
God sized dreams are HARD but they also bring us joy along with the hard. If you never feel joy while working towards your dream then you may be doing it in your own strength or trying to earn God’s approval. We should not have a continual spirit of discouragement or frustration while working towards our dreams. Keep in mind He will never let something satisfy us but Him.
Action Steps:
The goal for this week’s actions steps is to turn over some puzzle pieces of our dream. I realized as I was putting this lesson together that my dream has always been to teach women. Every puzzle piece I turned over showed that.
1. What are some of your strengths? If you’re having trouble coming up with them ask your husband or good friend or even your small group.
- What life experiences have you had that have helped you prepare for your dream?
- What did you dream of doing as a child? A lot of times those childhood dreams are our true God-sized dreams.

Hi! I don’t know how old this post is, but I want to thank you. This is an incredible article you’ve written that is helping me understand what God is asking of me. I think He wants me to make a podcast because he’s gifted me with great Speech and I love the Lord. I also think he wants me to start a local overeaters anonymous group. Well thank you I’m going to come back to your page and try figure out more things He wants me to do based on my life experiences.