A few years ago I wrote a post Praying for the Men in our lives. It was a 10 Day prayer challenge with prayers written by my Pastor’s wife, Kori. I am so grateful for a woman who is wise beyond her years. She knows and understands the power of prayer. These prayers have been powerful in my families life and I have seen many answers to them.
I recently was asked to turn the prayers into printable prayer cards. So today I’m sharing those cards with you. Having a printable copy that you can put in your purse or car are a great way to pray during those down times. I especially use them in a traffic jam or waiting in a doctor’s office, etc. They help me focus on something eternal things instead of getting frustrated.
To use these cards you need to download them. You can download them HERE. Once downloaded print them on card stock and laminate. Laminating isn’t necessary so don’t let that keep you for using them, but I laminate all my cards because they can get pretty beat up fast if I’m throwing them in my purse. If you need a Laminator (affiliate link) here is the brand I use and have loved it. Once laminated cut the cards out, punch a hole in the left corner and add a ring to keep them together.
You can download the Praying for the Men Prayer Cards HERE.
Here are a few more of my printable prayer cards/ scripture memory cards that have been powerful in my life as well as others.
Praying for your Husband prayer cards
Who I Am In Christ Printable Scripture Cards
Let’s not forget the POWER in Prayer! God moves when we pray.
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