Happy 2017! I LOVE the New Year! I LOVE the FRESH START of the blank calendar. It’s very motivating to me. It’s a time for new beginnings. Last year in our women’s Bible study we were encouraged to pray and ask God to give us a “word” for the year. The word would be the filter that we run our priorities and goals through. Why choose one word instead of a list of resolutions? Survey’s prove resolutions don’t work. MyOneWord.org says this, “This process (choosing one word) provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. Just one word that centers on your character and creates a vision for your future.”
So how do we pick one word?
1. Brainstorm and Journal areas you want to improve or change.
I always start by praying and asking God, what word do YOU want for me this year? Then I start brainstorming some of the things I want to change in my life.
I knew I was going to be doing this blog post and I didn’t have a word yet, so I was praying for God to show me. It became clear to me after the same word kept coming up in my mind as I was brainstorming.
Some of my random brainstorming:
I want to intentionally grow my blog this year.
I want to grow spiritually.
I want my relationships to grow.
I want to grow in the area of our finances.
I want to read more books this year so that I can grow.
Can you guess my word for the year?
2. Define your word.
The next step is to define your word. We think we know what a word means but I’ve been surprised at times by what a word actually means. Take the time to look up your word in the dictionary. I also look up the synonyms and antonyms so I get a grasp of what the word really means. Grow means:
3. Look up your word in a concordance.
I then look up scriptures in a concordance that contains my word. Openbible.info/topics is a great place to look up your word.
Col. 2:7 NLT Let your roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
I’m still researching scriptures to go with my one word but the one above grabbed my attention.
4. Keep your one word in front of your eyes!
Out of sight out of mind. Put your word near your kitchen sink. Hang it from your rearview mirror. Write it on your mirror. Put it on your desk. I’m cutting vinyl and putting it on my water bottle. I’ll share a picture once I’m done.
My daughter wrote her word in her planner.
This was my word for last year. I have this plaque sitting on my kitchen sill above my sink to remind me.
Here is a worksheet that you can use to help you decide what One Word you will have for 2017.
Download the printable HERE
Your word will help you make wise decisions if you keep it in the forefront of your mind. When presented with something I want to do or am asked to do I can analyze whether this is a wise decision. Will this help me grow? Or will this overwhelm me? Will this purchase help me grow? Or is it hindering my finances?
What is your one word for 2017? Please leave me a comment and let me know!
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Tried to download but could not find a link?
Sorry about that Gretchen it’s fixed now and here is the direct link if that helps you. https://app.box.com/s/7ynpngs8ocn20iavfxd5owje6kgs5pfq
The One Word thing is really just so popular. While I do consider one each year, I never reveal it to anyone for some reason. Last year it was Forgiveness. So glad you shared with us at Merry Monday.
Thank you for hosting! I appreciate it. Have a great week.