I shared last week in my post When Fear rears its ugly head that I would be back with how to create a Fear Battle Plan. I have spent many, many, many years in fear. It has kept me small. It has kept me hidden. At times it has kept me a prisoner in my own home. I have been fighting fear through the Freedom in Christ ministry.
There are times that fear wants to creep back in especially when I’m growing and changing. When those times come and fear tries to suck me under I have to have a plan on how to fight that fear. I need a battle plan ready the second fear rears its ugly head. For a class that I taught last year, I created a Fear battle plan that I use when those times come. I want to share that plan with you today.
Download the Fear Battle Plan HERE
- Know what trips you up. For me, a trigger I have often is when I am rehearsing things in my mind that have’nt happened yet. That is a red flag. If self-pity comes up, red flag. I need to pay attention. Take some time and pray and ask God to show you where your triggers are. Awareness is half the battle.
- To do #2 go to my post on Who I am in Christ and pick the ones you struggle with. Bonus print the cards out and meditate on them every day.
- What songs really minister to you. Mine can change but there are few that really speak to my heart. One is “No Longer a slave to Fear” by Bethel Music and “Come to Me” by Bethel Music.
- Thinking of things to be thankful for redirects our brain. It gets me off focusing and obsessing over the what ifs.
- Ask God to give you specific scriptures that will minister to you. I find that if I do that it’s so much easier to stand on those scriptures. When Drew was in his snowmobile accident God gave me a specific scripture Psalms 41:1-3 that I clung to every single day. Ask and you shall receive.
- We NEED people. God didn’t create us to do this alone. One of Satan’s greatest weapons is to isolate us. He wants to make you feel like you are all alone, no one cares. Plan now who you will go to when you need encouragement.
Do they work and have the plan ready. You can also use this battle plan with any issue or struggle (inferiority, anger, etc.) you have.
Let’s start walking in the VICTORY God came to give us.
Overcoming Fear Scripture Cards
When Fear rears its ugly head…
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Thank you for sharing your fear battle plan. Great stuff! Easter blessings!
Thank Barbie! I appreciate your kind words. Blessings to you.
This looks great! Fear has kept me from God’s best and your battle plan looks helpful!
Julie, it has really helped me. It’s amazing how often I pull those scriptures up to head off the battle. Blessings to you! Keep fighting!!!