Spring is here!!!! Now the snow in my yard doesn’t say spring but the calendar does. I love spring! It’s a time of rebirth and new growth. It can also mean rebirth and new growth as well.
I’m starting a new blog series called “Spring Clean your Life” and we will cover 8 areas of your life that you can do some spring cleaning in. There will be practical activities to help you clean, de-clutter and fine-tune your life.
We will focus on the following areas:
Spring Clean your Spirit
Spring Clean your Soul
Spring Clean your Goals & Dreams
Spring Clean your Home
Spring Clean your Body
Spring Clean your Relationships
Spring Clean your Technology
Spring Clean your Finances
Spring Clean your Time
If you need any help in these areas you’ll want to tune in for the next 5 weeks. I’ll post on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss anything.
Assignment. Print out the following worksheet and answer the following questions. These questions will help you get in touch with what’s going on in your life.
You can download the worksheet here.
Make Sure you check out these posts in the Spring Clean Your Life Series:
Spring Clean Your Life Series
Spring Clean your Goals & Dreams
Spring Clean your Technology
Spring Clean your Time
Spring Clean your Relationships
Spring Clean your Spirit
Spring Clean your Soul
Spring Clean Your Health
Spring Clean your finances
Extra Credit- Download this Vision Board Worksheet to help you get a head start on your heart’s desires.
I’d love to have you follow along. You can subscribe to my RSS Feed or sign up to receive daily Emails delivered to your inbox. You can also follow along via Facebook, Google + or Twitter.

These are some really good questions to ask yourself