Having a stable and harmonious life is essential to your feeling of inner security and ability to feel calm, happy and fulfilled. A lot of times we look to success and achievement in order to make us feel more stable and less insecure, but the truth is, irrespective of the level of success you achieve, unless you first feel secure within yourself – it won’t make much difference. You first need to create stability within yourself rather than trying to get it from the outside in.
Of course, there are many external things that can assist you in your quest for a more stable life, for instance, sleeping in a comfortable bed with PeachSkinSheets that ensures you get an adequate amount of sleep is particularly helpful in you feeling more emotionally stable, as we all know the toll it takes on us when we haven’t had enough rest.
The same is true of hunger as if you don’t have regular meals, your blood sugar dips then peaks, meaning your mood follows the same rollercoaster pattern. Indeed, there’s a reason the term “hangry” has become so popular.
Your sense of “home” is perhaps one of the most pertinent factors in terms of the level of stability you have in your life – as, without the feeling of a stable home, life can feel rather helter-skelter. Indeed, the majority of people that grew up in unstable home environments continue this pattern of instability into adulthood, which attests to the significance a stable home environment plays in our emotional stability.
The analogy of taking a flight where the pilot points out the need to attend to your own oxygen mask before helping anyone else applies to life.
The challenge is, with the greatest will in the world, if you’re feeling depleted and exhausted you’re not going to be able to feel harmonious within yourself, or in your interactions with other people. Indeed, if you don’t have enough “you time” you’re likely to be short-tempered, irritable and ‘off balance’ when it comes to your interactions with others.
The thoughts you think tend to create the feelings you feel. Whilst you don’t have control of the external circumstances of a situation, or how other people choose to treat you, the one thing you are in control of is your response and reactions to others – plus, most importantly, where you choose to focus your energy.
After all, “where attention goes energy flows”, meaning if you want to create positive change then you need to focus more positively on what you want – rather than what you don’t want.
Most people today appear to be suffering from low self-esteem, low self-worth, and low self-confidence. We could all do with a spring clean in this area, as learning to love and accept yourself is a process, but one that most people should embark on… as the only way to feel more stability within yourself and your life is to love and accept yourself – valuing yourself for all that you are, and are not.
Is taking care of yourself selfish?
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