I’ve seen it time and time again. Whenever the topic of creating a vision board comes up, I always hear the comment, “how do you decide what goes on your vision board.” I want to share some ideas with you.
Why create a vision board?
There is a quote, “We don’t get what we want in life, we get what we picture.” We see things in pictures. Your mind moves towards the pictures you keep before your eyes. To help accomplish your goals and dreams- create a vision board. Keep those pictures in front of your eyes. That why you should create a vision board.
Maybe you don’t know what dreams you want, what do you do then?
This is the most important thing in the dreaming process and that is to:
Give yourself permission to dream
Some of us are so shut down that we don’t know how to dream anymore. To start dreaming again, make sure give yourself permission to dream, to want for more.
Invest in yourself. Take some time and do some dreamstorming.
This is just like brainstorming ideas only you will focus on dreaming and what you want out of life. Invest in yourself.
Write down 3o things you would like to do, be or have.
DO NOT focus on HOW you will get these things. Example: I would like to take my kids to Ireland in 2020 for a family vacation. I would like to be teaching courses on life coaching skills. I would like to have a log house on the river with a huge stone fireplace that my husband’s elk head hangs on.
Here are some more prompts to help you think of some more things for your boards.
- List countries you would like to visit
- List things you would like to collect: postcards, stamps, key chains, ornaments, etc.
- List activities you would like to try: surfing, parasailing, skiing
- List beaches you would like to visit and collect sand
- List monuments you would like to visit
- List books you would like to read.
- List classes you would like to take.
- List plays you’d like to see.
- List museums you’d like to visit
- List parades you’d like to see. Macy’s, Rose parade
- List a language you’d like to learn.
- List states you would like to visit.
- List special events you’d like to visit- Olympic s, New York City Times Square, World Series
- List celebrities you would like to meet.
- List organizations you’d like to support:
- List creative dates you’d like to go on.
- List adventures you’d like to experience.
- List creative projects you’d like to try.
- List personal or family growth opportunities you’d like to explore.
- List charitable or volunteer activities you’d like to participate in.
Gather pictures to match your dreams
Next get some old magazines and start cutting out pictures to match all your dreams. If you can’t find something specific in a magazine, then do a Google image search and find a picture to print and cut out. Look for words that motivate and inspire you as well.
Here is a picture of my daughter’s vision board.
Here is another worksheet to help you go on a scavenger hunt for those dreams.
Ready to align your goals with God’s purpose? The Faith-Fueled Vision Board Kit is designed for Christian women who want to set intentional goals and create a vision that honors their faith. This kit includes everything you need to visualize your dreams, bring clarity to your purpose, and invite God into every step of your journey. Let’s make this year one of intentional growth and divine alignment! Download your kit today and start building a future with purpose and faith! You can visit here to purchase.
Grab your FREE 2025 Goals Worksheet here.
Here are 9 Inspiring Vision Boards for you to check out.
And a Vision Board Worksheet to help you gather your ideas.
Let me know if you have questions in the dreaming process!
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Lovely Post. Helpful and Informative Blog.
Thanks for sharing it with us,.